my bio
Ladd McNamara, M.D. is an author and international speaker on the subject of health and wellness, specifically, in the areas of nutritional supplementation (or nutraceutical medicine), anti-aging, and optimal health.
Dr. McNamara practiced in Atlanta, Georgia prior to retiring early to follow his passion to spread the message of true health, namely disease prevention and maintenance of health through lifestyle modifications, including nutritional supplementation.
Dr. McNamara practiced as a board certified ob/gyn and gynecological surgeon, with an expertise in bio-identical hormones and anti-aging. He incorporated high quality nutritional supplements into his medical practice, and witnessed amazing results among his patients who were struggling with significant health challenges. He knew the message of prevention and true health needed to spread beyond just treating patients locally. His books, CD’s, audio downloads, webinars, live presentations, and Dr. Ladd’s V.I.P. Program are all focused on the message of true health through adequate and proper nutritional supplementation.
Ladd McNamara, M.D. is dedicated to helping people live healthier, happier lives, and reducing the risk of chronic degenerative diseases first and foremost through education. Dr. McNamara focuses on the helping others to use proper nutritional supplementation, in addition to other lifestyle changes, so that they may enjoy more energy, a better sense of well-being, and most importantly to reduce the risk of chronic degenerative diseases that cause suffering and premature death.
As a benefit of being healthy, people feel, move, and respond to life and others with more youthful vigor. Stress, hormonal changes, diseases, medications, lack of sleep, weight gain, poor body image, relationship issues, and many other aspects can drain the joy out of life, which can adversely affect relationships and health. Dr. Ladd McNamara created his Vitality, Intimacy, and Passion (VIP) Program, to help people regain the important qualities of life that maintain health and happiness.
Dr. Ladd McNamara is originally from San Diego, California, where he now resides. He received his medical degree from the renowned University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas. He completed his residency program in obstetrics and gynecology at The George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C., during which he received both “The Resident of the Year,” and “Teaching Resident of the Year” awards for his knowledge and ability to rapidly pick up on medical knowledge, treat, and interact with patients, and educate medical students.
Dr. McNamara has been a wellness consultant on health and longevity to several Fortune 500 companies, including the global accounting firm of PriceWaterhouseCoopers with their “Partner Survival Program.”
Dr. McNamara has conducted medical research in the areas of both human infertility and cancer; and his research efforts culminated in publications in well-respected medical journals. Dr. McNamara has recorded video and audio education materials about the power of nutritional supplementation, and various other topics. He has authored several books on the subject, most notably, “THE CHOLESTEROL CONSPIRACY” (now available as an audio book on iTunes and Amazon’s Audible).
Dr. Ladd McNamara founded the Medical Advisory Board of USANA Health Sciences in 1997, and served on the Board for 10 years. USANA is the manufacturer of high quality nutritional supplements that Dr. McNamara has used and recommended for over two decades.
Also check out Dr. Ladd’s blog, where he written short articles on various topics, at