


Nutritional Supplements Are Beneficial in Those Battling Both Acute & Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Acute & Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

By Ladd McNamara, M.D.



Nutritional Supplements Are Beneficial in Those Battling Both Acute & Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Acute & Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

By Ladd McNamara, M.D.

This article is more general about cancer, not as specific to leukemia, but the protocol applies to leukemia as well. Please read the medical disclaimer below, and consult with your personal physician prior to acting upon the information provided in this article, protocol, or website.


I have recommended the protocols for people with both Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), and found that those who followed the full protocols had the best results. I have witnessed what appears to be a dose-response to supplements, with a slowing of progression, and even remission with the use of supplements.  The combination of various supplements work better together than any one or two supplements alone.

No one should think that this is a cure for either disease, but supplements do make a difference in the adjuntive treatment and prevention of recurrence.
I often don’t expect a cure; and I am not claiming that nutritional supplements are “the cure,” but I have seen many cases where people have extended their lives years beyond what was ever expected, with no other explanation than the supplement protocols.

When one witnesses case after case of patients who were given supposedly no hope of long-term survival from traditional therapies, who then go into remission, and/or experience a long survival rate from the supplement protocols, often to their doctors’ amazement, one can no longer overlook the evidence that the micronutrients can, and do make a difference.  Supplementation, done correctly, including at the right doses, spectrum, and quality can change people’s lives!

Even if a person does not experience remission, a patient can experience less cancer-therapy side effects than without the supplements, have less infections, more energy, and enjoy an enhanced quality of life.  Let me emphasize again the truth that I have worked with many people with stage 4 (metastatic) cancer, who were given only months to live, then go on to experience years, even over 10 years of extended remission.  One case was my own father.

This article is for both the patient and his or her doctor.  My hope is that the patient and doctor will use the principles explained and cited in this article, so they can work together to agree upon a protocol. I hope that they decide on the highest-level protocol so that optimal results can be obtained. Both the patient and the doctor should be relieved to know that the supplements are all safe, effective, and do not interfere with chemo or radiation therapy in any way; in fact, the supplements make traditional treatments more effective!  I will provide medical citations for those statements in this article.

Why Use Nutritional Supplements in Battling Cancer?

Research has shown that vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids taken at levels well above what is possible to obtain from our food alone can reduce the risk and progression of many chronic degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and many types of cancer.

I first started recommending pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements to my patients in my medical practice in 1995.  I was astounded by the unexpected positive results.  I never thought supplements could have such a dramatic effect on patients’ health, and so quickly.

Doctors are not taught about “nutraceutical medicine,” so why would I know anything about supplementation beyond recommending a prenatal vitamin, or expect to see diseases reverse course and patients get better when it “wasn’t supposed to happen?”

After seeing the changes, and in many cases, the complete resolution of signs and symptoms of diseases that were not supposed to improve, I spent years studying the medical literature and gathering more clinical experience, figuring out what doses and spectrum demonstrated the best results. The protocols are a result of the combination of the two, with my experience being the greater factor of the two influences.

When it comes to the scientific studies, although there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of studies about vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids and cancer, there are VERY few studies incorporating the wide spectrum of quality, bio-available supplements I use and recommend.  Just because a study incorporating one or two micronutrients, at an average or low dose, in a form that is less effective than another form does not produce significant results, one cannot conclude that supplements are ineffective.  It is disingenuous to use supplements that are not bio-available, or in a way that they are not correctly utilized, and then apply a negative conclusion to all supplement use.  That same principle would not be applied to drugs; why would it be applied to supplements?

It is critical to use effective doses.  It is critical to use bio-available formulations.  It is critical to use a full spectrum of a variety of supplements, that are designed to work synergistically.

If any study evaluates any micronutrient, such as a vitamin, mineral, or antioxidant, it is usually, one, two, and at most, three micronutrients at a time. The problem with that is this is not how the supplements were meant to be used in the body, nor how the protocols should be used.

For example, a study might examine the results of vitamin C or vitamin E, or even grape seed extract, but not 20 or 30 different micronutrients used synergistically.  Researchers want to know exactly which nutrient caused what effect by what mechanism. They don’t like the unknown and unexplained; so reporting that a “cocktail,” or mix of various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids “just work,” does not answer their questions and is not considered scientific.

However, as long as supplements are studied in the manner they have been, they will forever show less than the astounding results like those I have witnessed.  It would be like asking which single component of an automobile engine actually makes the car work?  Is it the piston, the spark plug, the carburetor, or the drive shaft?  Which ONE single item makes the difference?  Of course, all these components work together, and NEVER will work if isolated and studied.

I realize that my reports of success with supplements are considered anecdotal.  However, maybe not as anecdotal as you might think.  If it were one or two, or even three cases, I would agree.  However, having worked with, witnessed, and/or heard back from several hundred people dealing with cancer from around the world, and from other physicians with many additional cases, when shall I consider these results to be “evidence-based,” as opposed to anecdotal or placebo?

Hopefully, the scientific studies will crack the door for the skeptical person to look into the very real principle that micronutrients actually help kill cancer, on their own, and in conjunction with traditional therapies, and that the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fish oil, all work better together than any of them individually.

The first rule of medicine is “do no harm.”  Supplements have such a high margin of safety it is truly difficult to harm yourself, especially compared to the side effects of chemo drugs and radiation therapy. My point is to preface the studies cited in this article by saying that whatever benefits the studies are reporting, I have witnessed many times greater results because of three factors:

  • The spectrum and variety of supplements with which I am using.
  • The purity, potency, and bio-availability of the supplements.
  • The effective dosages I am using.

To my medical colleagues and others who are naturally skeptical of my enthusiasm, I simply state, “ You have nothing to lose by trying the supplement protocols, and then you will know as I do.  And if you knew like I know, how could YOU not be as enthusiastic as I am?  If you saw scores of people, let alone hundreds of people, let alone thousands of people over twenty years have life-changing results, you would have to have lost your purpose for going into medicine if you did not become enthusiastic about it too.  Even if there is a slight possibility that supplements could help with the cancer (and we know they do no harm), why not allow it?  It does NOT get in the way of traditional therapies, as mentioned, and in fact, supplements enhance the cancer-killing effects of chemo- and radiation therapies.

Quality Supplements Make the Difference

I am sure you have seen the super market aisles explode with nutritional supplements. Most people shop for their supplements at the discount store thinking they are getting a deal by buying low-cost supplements, when in fact they are most often missing out on the value of quality, bio-available, pure & potent supplements.  How are people, even doctors, supposed to know what is a good quality supplement?

With most people taking cheap, low-quality, impure supplements, and not having much success, is it any wonder that most people don’t believe that supplementation can make any significant difference in their health?  Without quality, full-spectrum, bio-available supplements, people cannot obtain any significant results.  However, just the opposite is true. You can, and will have health results if you follow my proven supplement protocols with the supplements I personally use and recommend.

A book that I recommend for anyone trying to understand the difference between supplement brands is, “The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements,” by Lyle MacWilliam.  Over 1600 supplement brands are compared and rated, according to ingredients, formulations, balance and ratios, and whether the manufacturer was willingly to submit their products for independent testing, etc.  Did the ingredients listed on the bottle match what was actually in the bottle?  There are 4 brands that rate at the top of the top, and it is from those brands that I create my protocols.  One company in particular, the one brand with the highest rating, also provides the best value.

Supplements Do Not “Get In the Way” of Chemo- or Radiation Therapy

It frustrates me to hear back from people who seek advice from their doctors about nutritional supplements, only to learn that their doctors discourage the use of safe and effective supplements, not out of any scientific knowledge, but out of “not being comfortable with it.”  This happens because doctors are not familiar with nutritional supplementation, and only go by some nebulous and passed on “medical myth” that supplementation will interfere with chemo or radiation therapy. This is 100 percent NOT true.  It never has been true. It was made up one day, and the myth was propagated out of fear, not science.

It does not bother me that other doctors do not know much about supplement use, as I was not knowledgeable about supplements when I graduated from medical school and finished my residency program.  What frustrates me is that too many doctors choose not to learn or even understand what is in the medical literature.  They close their minds down, as if they already know everything about this subject, when ironically, just the opposite is true.

Medicine is full of propaganda put out by the pharmaceutical industry.  And, any doctor that denies this fact is just unaware of his or her industry.  There is so much bias now in published studies, influenced by Big Pharma, that it can be difficult to learn the truth.  Doctors are taught what Big Pharma wants them to know.  And, unless a doctor looks beyond what is put in their face, they will forever have “pharmaceutical blinders” on and totally miss the opportunity to make one of the biggest differences in their patients’ lives.

So, without any knowledge or understanding of nutritional supplements, when a patient consults with their doctor about supplements, the doctor will pronounce his “educated judgment” against the use of supplements, stating in all “correctness” that they are a waste of money, and worse, could be harmful.  I get it.  I did the very same thing.  What changed my mind to even crack open the medical journals was the undeniable changes I witnessed among several patients with long-standing chronic diseases who got no relief from any medical treatment, who within weeks of beginning to follow some of these protocols, were living normal lives.  Once I saw the truth, I could not return to my ignorance, despite what other doctors wanted to believe.

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and the omega-3 fatty acid micronutrients have all been shown to help reduce the incidence of cancer, as well as the slowing of the progression of most types of cancers.  A growing body of research is showing that nutritional supplements assist in the treatment of cancer, even while a patient is actively receiving chemo or radiation therapy. This is referred to as ”adjunctive therapy.”

The “medical myth” about using supplements in cancer therapy started with one single front-page article about vitamins and cancer that was printed in the New York Times in 1997 that was not even based upon any published scientific work!  The report was on the “logical,” and theoretical concern that nutritional supplements “could get in the way” of treating cancer.

Then in 1999, a researcher working with rats published one study in which he incorrectly theorized that vitamin C might interfere with radiation and chemotherapy in humans.  Again, it was not true, but he offered his theory with no data to support it.

Since that time, the erroneous theory has been propagated like a cancer to most oncologists and those managing the care of cancer patients.  The myth was then championed by the American Cancer Society, all without a shred of scientific evidence!  The myth about avoiding supplements during cancer treatment has since become “standard of care.”  (Of course, Big Pharma may have a lot to lose if it was discovered just how powerful the correct doses of properly-balanced, bio-available, potent, and pure supplementation are in the fight against cancer.)

To counter this myth in 2007, a two-part article published in the journal, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine revealed that nutritional supplementation does not interfere with radiation or chemotherapy.(1, 2)  The authors discovered that fifty human studies demonstrated that nutritional supplements taken during chemo or radiation therapy did not interfere with the treatment.

Furthermore, 47 of those 50 human studies showed that nutritional supplements actually protected normal cells from the toxic effects of cancer therapy and reduced the negative and intolerable side effects of chemo and radiation therapy.  Of greatest interest, 15 of the studies found an increased survival rate among individuals who took nutritional supplements! This is quite different from what cancer patients are usually being told, “to not take supplements,” which as mentioned, is based upon an unfounded and unsubstantiated fear, which became a myth, which became medical doctrine.

The corollary to the “medical myth” that one must avoid supplements during cancer therapy is a false assumption that supplements will somehow “strengthen” the cancer cells and make them grow stronger and spread more rapidly. This also is 100 percent false. There is no science to support it; and in fact, all the science supports the evidence that vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help fight cancer cells through blocking the 10 stages of cancer development, or pathogenesis (explained below).

Since the effectiveness of chemotherapy is often limited by its toxic side effects, many researchers have been looking for ways to reduce toxicity while not diminishing the cancer-killing effect of the therapy.  Chemotherapy drugs cause oxidative damage to all the tissues, most notably, the heart and nerves.  Concomitant administration of antioxidants has been shown to reduce these toxic side effects.

Grape seed extract (proanthocyanidins) has demonstrated chemo-preventive and/or chemo-therapeutic effects in various cancer cell cultures and animal models. (3)  In addition to preventing toxic side effects of chemo drugs, grape seed extract works synergistically with the chemo drugs to help kill cancer cells.

A study at the Univ. of Colorado, published in 2004, showed that grape seed extract had beneficial synergistic effects of inhibiting breast cancer growth in conjunction with standard chemotherapy (in both estrogen-dependent and independent treatments). (4)

A placebo-controlled study published by researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia found grape seed extract to protect against mucositis, the inflammation and ulcerative damage to the mucous membranes anywhere along the gastro-intestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus.

Mucositis is one of the most damaging and uncomfortable side effects of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy, which usually affects the upper gastro-intestinal tract from the mouth to the small intestines.  This animal study showed 55 percent less intestinal inflammation from the 5-fluorouracil in the grape seed extract-treated group compared to the placebo group. (5)

In addition, when grape seed extract was administered with 5-fluorouracil to human colon- cancer cells in the laboratory, the chemo drug’s ability to inhibit cancer growth was increased by 26 percent.

The mechanism of action for grape seed extract in human colorectal cancer cells appear to involve “death receptors” for cancer.  Among many other mechanisms, grape seed extract helps disrupt the mitochondrial membranes of cancer cells, but not that of healthy cells.  (6) Without functional mitochondria producing the cell’s energy currency molecules, ATP, no cell can survive.

Doxorubicin is a toxic chemotherapy drug used to treat breast and bladder cancers, as well as lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and Kaposi’s sarcoma.  This drug has many side effects; and one that is potentially fatal is heart failure due to heart muscle damage, which may show up long after treatment.

In animal studies, researchers treated animals with the toxic chemo drugs and then later dissected the animal to check for damage done to the heart.  Grape seed extract was found to provide protection against doxorubicin-induced cardiac damage. (7)

Cisplatin is a very powerful and toxic chemo drug used to treat cervical, bladder, ovarian, and testicular cancers.  Some of the more common side effects are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Temporary hair loss
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Hiccups
  • Dry mouth
  • Dark urine
  • Decreased sweating
  • Dry skin
  • Dehydration

Turmeric extract (curcumin) has been found to be a powerful micronutrient, not only in the prevention and fight against cancer, but also to reverse cisplatin toxicity. (8)  Curcumin can be used synergistically with doxorubicin to kill breast cancer cells. (9)  Curcumin sensitizes stomach cancer cells to 5-fluorouracil, allowing it to kill the cancer more effectively. (10)

A major concern of radiation oncologists has been to avoid antioxidants, since radiation therapy uses oxidative damage to kill cancer cells.  Studies have shown that antioxidants do not get in the way, and do not protect cancer cells from radiation.  Most recently, a study in 2017 demonstrated that vitamin C does not interfere with the cancer-killing effect of radiation therapy. (11)

Vitamin C has been shown to work with the chemo drug cisplatin, to kill cervical cancer cells through disrupting the cell cycles of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis (cellular self-destruction). (12)

Multi-chemo drug resistance is a significant barrier to the effective treatment of bladder cancer.  Therefore, oncologists would greatly appreciate a way to reduce the resistance of the cancer to chemo drugs.  Resveratrol, an antioxidant from the red grape, best known for its heart health effect, has been shown to effectively reverse the multi-drug resistance of bladder cancer cells. (13)

This article cannot do justice to the volume of research being conducted in the field of cancer and micronutrients.  Certainly, not all cancers act the same, nor respond to the same therapy; but various micronutrients appear to have a positive effect on most, if not all cancers.

My goal in writing this, is to give you hope and suggestions that may aid in your cancer treatment and reduce the horrible side effects that most patients suffer.  You can get back to your life with more energy and vigor quicker with my supplement protocols than by doing it without supplementation.  I also hope that you are cured of cancer, or at least go into remission, and significantly reduce the recurrence of cancer so that you may live and enjoy your life as much as possible.

No single nutrient should be relied upon to protect against cancer.  The synergistic combination of supplements, as well as the ratio, balance, bio-availability, and especially the doses of the potent and pure variety of supplements that I suggest in my protocols make the difference in effectiveness and results.

Will the Nutritional Supplement Protocol Work for You?

A person may not notice results within the first week of supplementation, or even the first month of using my supplement protocols (although they usually do); ….but, whether you notice significant results or not, the supplements are absolutely working at the cellular level to slow, and even help kill cancer cells, while at the same time, helping to protect healthy cells from damage.

How do I know the supplements will work for you? Simple: the supplements do not have a choice! It would be like asking if smoking cigarettes would harm you or not. You don’t get a choice. The toxins in cigarette smoke increase the risk of cancer and many other diseases by increasing oxidative damage, whether you believe it or not. It is simple biochemistry, and a good analogy that I often use to explain the benefits of high-dose antioxidant supplementation.  I say that taking high-dose grape seed extract is like the opposite of smoking 3 packs of cigarettes per day!

Cigarette smoking increases free radical oxidative damage. Even a nonsmoker is exposed to free radical oxidative damage every second of every day and can get cancer.  This is a starting point for understanding the development of cancer and how nutritional supplements can be used to block the development and progression of cancer at all 10 stages.

The Ten Stages of Cancer Development

There are 10 major steps in the development of cancer, and nutritional supplements have been shown to affect all ten stages, with some nutrients working better in some stages than others. That is why it is so important to take a variety of nutrients, blended together in correct ratios.

1. DNA Damage: The cell’s DNA is damaged, and in the repair process, a mutation occurs and codes for uncontrolled cellular division. This is the initiating factor and first step in most cancers. The cancer that you are diagnosed with all started from one cell that escaped the mechanism to stop it from proliferating and causing disease.

2. Excessive or Chronic Inflammation: Inflammation is a cancer promoter and propagator. Abnormal cells would probably be inhibited if not for excessive inflammation. Excessive inflammation causes a release of numerous destructive cytokines (cell-signaling molecules) that negatively affect virtually all cellular functions.

3. Disruption of Cell Signaling Pathways: Cells communicate with each other for proper function and regulation. Cellular communication is disrupted by inflammatory cytokines.

4. Disruption of the Cell Reproductive Cycle: Normal cell division is a multi-step process. The regulation of cellular division of the primary cancer cell is disrupted, and this dysfunction is passed along to all following cancer cells.

5. Abnormal Regulation of Apoptosis: Apoptosis is a natural “pre-programmed” self-destruction process that is switched on in abnormal cells to prevent overgrowth of tissue. When apoptosis fails, there is no self-destruct, and cells undergo uncontrolled cellular division and reproduction.

6. Altered Survival Pathways: The survival of too many cells allow cancer cells to take hold by increasing the odds of mutation and proliferation.

7. Excessive Cellular Proliferation:  When the above regulatory mechanisms fail, there are other factors, including hormones that can directly stimulate cells to divide and reproduce uncontrollably.

8. Aggressive Invasion of Healthy Tissue:  Cancer cells produce excessive amounts of enzymes that “dissolve” normal tissue and take root in new areas and spread. Octopus-like tentacles invade in every direction into surrounding tissues.

9. Rapid Angiogenesis: Cancer cells and tumors require new blood vessels for nourishment. Cancer cells send out signals for the creation (“genesis”) of new blood vessels (“angio”). Angiogenesis in cancer tissue is a primary means by which tumors grow.

10. Metastasis: Cancer cells migrate beyond their primary location. They can travel via the bloodstream or lymphatic system to areas such as the lymph nodes, the liver, lungs, bone, and brain. Metastases are the distinguishing features of most malignant and aggressive cancers.

Oxidation damages DNA, most notably as the initiating factor of cancer development, but it also plays a role in all ten factors cited above, especially inflammatory cytokines. Abnormal, or cancer cells, start expressing abnormal growth factors that accelerate cancer growth.

Nutritional supplements, including antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, block abnormal growth factors of cancer cells, helping prevent and slow cancer growth.  Antioxidants protect the DNA and reduce inflammatory cytokines. Various nutrients are capable of affecting the cancer cells’ cycling, to prevent abnormal, uncontrolled cellular division, which is the hallmark of cancer. All 10 factors of cancer development and propagation can be altered with a balanced, broad-spectrum nutritional supplement program.

Your DNA & Immune System Are Programmed to Destroy Cancer Cells

Every day cancer cells develop in your body. Your DNA is constantly damaged by the thousands of toxins to which you are continuously exposed. Your cells work to repair damaged DNA, but in the process, occasional mutations arise, and a mutation may code for uncontrolled cellular division. The cell becomes “abnormal” and is called cancerous when it replicates and divides uncontrollably.

Fortunately, your body has mechanisms for controlling and removing abnormal cancerous cells. Your cells have a “self-destruct” code within the DNA. When your DNA is abnormal, and the cells begin to show signs of cancer, the self-destruct mechanism (gene) will be activated and apoptosis (self-destruction) occurs. The cells literally “fall apart,” which is the meaning of “apoptosis.”

In addition the immune system constantly scours the body’s cells, looking for abnormal ones. Cancerous cells produce abnormal proteins that appear “foreign” to your immune system, and an all-out attack on these cells is mounted.  Macrophages and other white blood cells, like Natural Killer cells and activated T lymphocytes, combined with antibodies and complement factors, are all activated to kill cancer cells.  On a daily basis, all these mechanisms protect you from cancer cells that are continually arising somewhere in your body.

Each one of us has about 500 cancer cells in our body at any one time.  It is the cell’s self-destruct mechanism and a healthy immune system that keep us healthy by getting rid of the cancer cells before they can cause problems.

So, how did you get cancer if your cells have a self-destruct code when cells go rogue, and your immune system is supposed to attack and kill cancer cells if they don’t self-destruct?

Cancer cells can take hold when the self-destruct gene gets “turned off,” and your immune system is not functioning optimally, or is suppressed. Viruses, stress, and environmental factors can suppress your immune system a little or a lot, and that may be enough to allow cancer cells to develop into full-blown cancer.  In addition, some mutations create virulent cancer cells that escape even a healthy immune system.

Nutritional Supplements All Work Together To Kill Cancer Cells

My intention is not to name each micronutrient, and how it can help prevent and fight cancer.  I only intend to cite some micronutrients and how research has demonstrated an anti-carcinogenic effect, or impact on one or more of the ten stages of cancer pathogenesis for the purposes of supporting my supplement protocol regimens.

Vitamin D

Scientific evidence suggests that optimal vitamin D blood levels are associated with the reduced risk of many types of cancer.  These include cancers of the bladder, esophagus, stomach, ovary, uterus, cervix, pancreas, larynx, oral cavity, and gall bladder, as well as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. (14)

Scientists are examining the use of vitamin D to reduce the risk of no fewer than 17 different types of cancer, ranging from colon, breast, and prostate cancers to ovarian, esophageal, renal, and bladder cancers.  Moreover, researchers believe vitamin D may even improve treatment outcomes in people already diagnosed with cancer. A recent review article estimated that 50,000 – 70,000 Americans die prematurely from cancer each year due to insufficient intake of vitamin D. (14)

The power of vitamin D in reducing the risk of cancer has been studied most extensively in colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.  A study in 2005 investigated the relationship between vitamin D intake, serum vitamin D levels, and colorectal cancer risk. Individuals with vitamin D intake of 1000 IU or more daily, or with at least a blood vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) level of 33 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) experienced a 50% lower risk of colorectal cancer than average. (15)  According to the study’s authors, prompt public health action is needed to increase daily intake of vitamin D to 1000 IU and to raise serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3.

For those who have read my article on Vitamin D, you will see that I am a big advocate for blood levels well above 35 ng/ml.  Many doctors are now shooting to have their patients achieve a vitamin D level of 50 ng/ml, whereas looking at the research of what is effective and what is safe, my target blood level for vitamin D is 75 ng/ml.  There are no reports of any health problems, or negative effects from taking 10,000 IU/day of vitamin D3.

Research indicates that vitamin D acts through several mechanisms to help fight cancer. Studies suggest that the active form of vitamin D may help promote cell differentiation and support apoptosis (programmed cell death), as well as help to prevent metastases and angiogenesis. (16 – 18)  Vitamin D’s role in supporting calcium absorption may also contribute to its ability to fight cancer, as calcium has been shown to decrease proliferation and induce differentiation in epithelial cells. (19, 20)

An article published in the European Journal of Cancer reports the results of two meta-analyses conducted by researchers at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, which affirm a protective effect for higher levels of vitamin D against the risk of dying from breast and colorectal cancers. (21)

The researchers selected five studies that involved 4,413 breast cancer patients and five studies that included 2,330 colorectal cancer patients. They found a 38% lower risk of dying from any cause, and a 42% lower risk of dying from breast cancer in those with highest serum vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) levels compared to those with the lowest levels.  For colorectal cancer, the risk averaged 29% lower for all-cause mortality and 35% lower for colorectal cancer death among those with the highest blood levels of vitamin D.

Another study in 2005 demonstrated a therapeutic role for vitamin D in prostate cancer. Sixteen men previously treated for prostate cancer were supplemented with 2000 IU per day of vitamin D3.  The investigators then monitored prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels for over two years.  PSA is a marker of prostate cancer recurrence or progression.  In nine of the 16 patients, PSA levels decreased or remained unchanged after vitamin D supplementation.  In the patients who experienced rising PSA levels, vitamin D3 was found to significantly slow the rise of PSA, as monitored by PSA doubling-time.  Vitamin D lengthened the doubling-time by an average of 75%.  This study indicated that vitamin D3 may help to slow and/or prevent cancer recurrence or progression in those who have already been treated for prostate cancer. (22)

Vitamin D has also been reported to benefit patients whose prostate cancer has metastasized to the bones. This patient population commonly develops vitamin D deficiency. Supplementing these individuals with vitamin D was found to reduce pain, boost muscle strength, and improve overall quality of life. (23)

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in American men and women and is very challenging to treat.  Vitamin D may help lung cancer patients live longer according to a study published in 2005.  The report found that men with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer who had higher vitamin D dietary intake and sun exposure, had a lower recurrence rate of cancer compared to men with lower vitamin D. (24)  Another 2005 study demonstrated that the active form of vitamin D reduced lung cancer metastasis. (25)

Vitamin C

Years ago, Linus Pauling took 20,000 mg of vitamin C per day, with the educated belief that it would help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer.  When he developed prostate cancer, his detractors mocked his preaching of vitamin C, stating as evidence that it didn’t prevent his prostate cancer.

First of all, everyone must realize that we are taking supplements to reduce the risk of cancer, not eliminate it.  Nothing can or will ever completely prevent anyone from getting any chronic disease.  We are only hoping to tip the odds in our favor.  In Linus Pauling’s case, one must consider that he died at the age of 93! How long did people expect him to live?  If he didn’t take that much vitamin C, would he have died of prostate cancer at 83, or 73?  No one knows; but living to 93 is not a bad run for only having taken high-doses of vitamin C.

Studies show that vitamin C works synergistically with many other antioxidants and anti-inflammatory micronutrients, such as grape seed extract, quercetin, vitamin E, etc., to help fight cancer. (26, 27)  Long-term supplementation with vitamin C and other antioxidants appears to reduce the risk of developing many chronic diseases, including cancer. (28 – 31)

Vitamin E

In considering supplementation, I would hope that you are aware that there are differences in formulations and types of vitamins, as well as quality and purity of various brands.  One example of this is vitamin E.  Vitamin E encompasses a host of various tocopherol molecules.  Some types of vitamin E might actually work against you, while the proper formulation of the various tocopherols (vitamin E) works for your benefit by reducing the growth and spread of cancer.

Vitamin E is known as tocopherol, with the various forms of tocopherol, alpha, gamma, beta, and delta. There are also tocotrienols, which are all found in the natural state of vitamin E. Cheaper productions of vitamin E are derived from petroleum-tar distillates, which provides only alpha tocopherol, in both the D and L isomeric forms. That is, there is a “right-handed” (D) and “left-handed” (L) molecular form (isomer) of alpha tocopherol. However, your cells only recognize the “right-handed” isomers, that is, the “D” structure. Therefore, you should select a supplement that not only provides only the “D” isomeric formulation of alpha tocopherol; but also a brand that provides a wide array of tocopherol subtypes; beta, gamma, delta, etc.

If a person only takes synthetic vitamin E, as D, L-alpha tocopherol, it can actually deplete blood levels of the health-promoting gamma, beta, and delta tocopherols; which means a possible increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.  Sadly, most people (and doctors) don’t know the differences of vitamin E formulations, and if they recommend or purchase anything, it is usually based upon price, not science. The cheapest brands, from petroleum-tar distillates provide the wrong formulation for your body.

Studying participants who take the synthetic D, L – alpha tocopherol vitamin E clouds the conclusion of whether vitamin E is helpful or harmful.  Many studies have involved mainly the synthetic, petroleum-tar distillate form, the D, L – alpha tocopherol (without gamma tocopherol), and concluded that it is more than likely harmful to your health.  Of course it is harmful; synthetic vitamin E lowers your gamma tocopherol; one of the most important tocopherols that protect DNA from mutations via mechanisms other than its antioxidant potential.

In 2001, the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) began to examine the effects of 200 mcg of L-selenomethionine (selenium) and 400 IU of D,L alpha tocopherol acetate (the synthetic form of vitamin E), both alone and in combination, vs. a placebo on the risk of prostate cancer among 35,533 healthy men who were at least 50 years old with normal PSA levels.  After approximately ten years, the results showed that synthetic vitamin E increased the risk of prostate cancer.  This is why it is critical to take vitamin E the way it is delivered in nature, as d-alpha tocopherol, along with d-gamma, d-delta, and d-beta tocopherols.  That is what I suggest in my protocol.

Gamma tocopherol protects your DNA from mutations that lead to cancer and helps kill cancer cells once present.  It also protects your LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage.  Those buying cheap vitamin E products, or multivitamins with vitamin E are NOT getting this important tocopherol, nor the other forms.

Every study involving the natural form of vitamin E (D alpha, D gamma, D delta, and D beta tocopherols, along with the tocotrienols) have all demonstrated a considerable reduction in disease, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer?

In The Nurses’ Health Study, in which 83,234 women were followed for over 14 years, premenopausal women with a family history of breast cancer who consumed the largest amount of natural vitamin E were found to have a 43% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer compared to only a 16% risk reduction for women without a family history of breast cancer. (32)

Tocotrienols, members of the vitamin E family, may have even more powerful anti-cancer effects than tocopherols.  An animal study demonstrated that higher doses of tocotrienols were associated with greater inhibition of prostate cancer cell growth.   A study published in 2017 demonstrated inhibition of human prostate cancer cells by a mixture of naturally-occurring tocotrienols. (33)

In premenopausal women with a family history of breast cancer, the natural form of vitamin E (tocopherol succinate, which includes gamma, beta, and delta tocopherol) appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 90 percent.  Vitamin E succinate (the natural vitamin E) has been shown to inhibit breast cancer growth.  The tocotrienols from natural vitamin E have been found to inhibit the growth and spread of existing breast cancer!

Gamma tocopherol and the tocotrienols allow for cancer cell apoptosis of breast, prostate, colorectal, and cervical cancer cells. (34 – 41)


Selenium has been found to reduce the risk of many types of cancer.  A low selenium status raises the risk for liver and gallbladder cancers, as well as colorectal cancer. (42, 43)

In 1996, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association made headlines when researchers reported that people supplementing with 200 mcg per day of selenium had a 46%-63% reduction in the risk of colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers, with a 50% reduction in the risk of death for all cancers. (44)  Two years later in a follow up study, the researchers reported that selenium conferred an overall 74 percent reduced risk of prostate cancer. (45)

The benefits of adequate selenium supplementation in men of reducing the incidence of prostate cancer has been demonstrated in many studies.  (46 – 49)

Studies have also confirmed that colon cancer can be reduced with selenium supplementation, especially in combination with other micronutrients.  In 2013, a placebo-controlled study was published involving 411 people who had polyps removed at the time of colonoscopy.  (Polyps are a risk for colon cancer.) One group was started on a placebo, while the other group was started on 200 mcg of selenium, along with zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E.  Over a 5 year period, among those receiving the placebo, 62 people had recurrence of polyps, while among those who received the selenium with the other micronutrients only 38 patients had a recurrence.  This worked out to be a 39% reduced risk of recurrence. (50)

Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

The cancer-preventive activities of catechins, as found in green tea, have been extensively studied. Of these, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the principal catechin in green tea, has received the most attention.  Green tea extract provides EGCG and other catechins.  Many studies in the laboratory have demonstrated inhibition of both cancer development and cancer progression by green tea catechins.

EGCG affects many of the 10 stages of cancer development.  Tea catechins are powerful antioxidants.  They bind to the DNA within cancer cells to block cellular division and growth. They also bind to key enzymes to induce cellular apoptosis and inhibit angiogenesis. (51)  Laboratory studies have demonstrated that EGCG, the effective ingredient in green tea extract, inhibits many cancer types, including breast, pancreas, colon, and prostate. (52 – 57)

Angiogenesis is one of the key target stages to inhibit in the fight against cancer.  If the tumor, or cancer cells cannot get oxygen and nutrients from an adequate blood supply they die off.  Green tea extract catechins are powerful in preventing angiogenesis and therefore may play a significant role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. (58 – 60)

With a myriad of various micronutrients, we can intervene at all 10 stages of cancer development, with green tea polyphenols, especially EGCG, being a major player due to its activity against some of the most critical factors. (61)  Since cancers are difficult to treat, let alone cure, much interest is focused on ways that green tea extract can provide chemoprevention, stopping cancers long before they become clinically evident. (62, 63)

As a polyphenol, green tea extract crosses the blood-brain barrier and can block the growth of cancer cells that metastasize to the brain.

EGCG can bind to a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) in cancer cells, and dramatically block cancer cell growth and metastases.  EGCG has been shown through this and other mechanisms to inhibit migration and invasion of melanoma cells. (64)

Grape Seed Extract

There are numerous studies revealing the benefits of various nutrients, some of which were mentioned in the section above about adjunctive use or protection during chemo or radiation therapy.

Grape seed extract is a class of polyphenol antioxidants known as proanthocyanidins.   Polyphenols are one of the most important nutrients for inhibiting chronic diseases due to their powerful antioxidant capabilities. (65)  They exert many beneficial effects upon the cell and on biochemical processes other than an ability to scavenge free radicals, i.e., antioxidant abilities.

  1. Free Radical Scavenger; A Powerful Antioxidant – Grape seed extract acts synergistically with vitamin C, allowing the two to be powerful together, especially against bacterial, viruses, and chronic illnesses (66)  Scavenging free radicals is just one of grape seed extracts mechanisms for reducing inflammation.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects – In addition to its free radical scavenging ability which reduces inflammation, grape seed extract inhibits enzymes involved in the inflammatory process, such as cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX), as well as it suppresses the mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β). (67, 68)
  3. Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, and Anti-Fungal Immunomodulatory Properties – Grape seed extract exerts its immunomodulation through various mechanisms, including suppression of activation of MAP kinases and NF-κB signal transduction pathways, and stimulation of the immune system’s Th1 cell activity.  (67, 69)  The result is that grape seed extract exerts anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal effects. (70 – 75)
  4. Cardiovascular Protection – Grape seed extract reduces the factors that lead to cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis), including high blood pressure, oxidized LDL cholesterol, glycation injuries of the arteries; and improves endothelial function and reduces reperfusion damage after cardiac damage. (76 – 83)
  5. Hypertension – Grape seed extract helps reduce hypertension (high blood pressure), as well as metabolic syndrome. (84 – 87)
  6. Osteoporosis – Grape seed extract exerts an anti-osteoporosis effect. (88)
  7. Dementia – Grape seed extract has been shown in the animal model for Alzheimer’s disease to reduce the amyloid and fibril accumulation that are associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s dementia. (89 – 91)  It is a challenge to study the effects of grape seed extract on the brains of humans, because these brain markers of Alzheimer’s disease can only be seen on autopsy.  Grape seed extract restores memory deficits in the Alzheimer’s disease animal model. (92)

Grape seed extract also helps with asthma, allergies, diabetes, accelerates wound healing, improves elasticity of skin, and reduces wrinkle formation, among many other benefits. (93 – 101)

Grape seed extract and resveratrol, both from the red grape, provide benefits in protecting against cancer development and progression by inhibiting many stages of cancer pathogenesis, as well as slowing cancer growth and inducing cancer cell apoptosis, or cell death. (102 – 104)  Nutritional supplements also protect against the side effects of chemo and radiation therapy, as mentioned previously.

I will just add here that co-enzyme Q10, fish oil, and melatonin, among many other micronutrients, all provide synergistic benefits in fighting cancer as well. The list of supplements that can make a difference in the prevention, treatment, and reduction in recurrence of cancer is so vast that I have limited this article to select summaries, otherwise this would turn into a science book.

Significant concentrations of resveratrol, an antioxidant in the red grape, potentiates grape seed extract-induced cancer-cell apoptosis of colon cancer. (105)  I suggest high doses of grape seed extract in my protocols, along with resveratrol, which is in the vitamin-antioxidant supplement.  There is no toxic dose to grape seed extract, only a possible osmotic diarrhea if too much is taken at one time, in that the intestines are unable to fully absorb the amount.  That is why it is best to spread out the dosages through the day.

For cells to duplicate and grow, the DNA is transcribed by RNA, which codes for protein synthesis.  Oncomirs are microRNAs (miRNA) associated with development of cancer and malignancies.  Therefore, they are a good target for cancer treatment, and one of the ways grape seed extract inhibits cancer. (106)  A study involving lung cancer cells demonstrated that grape seed extract exerted its anti-cancer effects by modulating oncomirs and other factors.  (107)

Grape seed extract was also found to induce apoptosis of small cell lung cancer by destroying the membranes of cancer cell’s mitochondria, the energy-producing engines of the cells. (108)  No cell can survive without the “life-giving” energy molecules, ATP, produced by the mitochondria.  And remarkably, in normal cells, grape seed extract helps protect the mitochondria.

Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is a major killer worldwide, and there is an urgent need for helpful methods to reduce the progression, and death caused by this horrible cancer.   Grape seed extract targets the mechanism within the mitochondria of cancer cells and disrupts the production of ATP.  This triggers the cancer cells to implode and undergo autophagy and apoptosis. (109)  Again, it is remarkable that grape seed extract, especially along with co-enzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid, assists healthy cells with ATP production.

Grape seed extract has been shown to inhibit the cell cycle and reproduction of bladder-cancer cells, as well as induce apoptosis.  (110,111)  Grape seed extract has the same effect (inhibition of growth, and inducing apoptosis) in melanoma cells. (112)

Turmeric Extract (Curcumin)

Curcumin, or turmeric extract, is derived from the Indian spice turmeric and possesses several active components, all of which contribute to its anti-inflammatory and chemo-preventive power. (113, 114)  Impressively, it causes cancer cells to be more sensitive to chemo or radiation therapy, allowing more effective cancer killing, and at the same time, blocks damage of cancer therapy to normal cells. (115 – 119)

In fact, as opposed to traditional cancer therapy that targets one anti-cancer mechanism, turmeric extract targets all ten factors in cancer development and progression. Most notably, it kills rapidly growing cancer cells by switching on the self-destruct gene, signaling for cellular apoptosis.

Like grape seed extract and green tea extract, turmeric extract inhibits both hormone receptor-positive and hormone receptor-negative breast-cancer cells.  However, turmeric extract is very effective in fighting hormone-insensitive breast cancer cells. Turmeric extract induces self-destruction (apoptosis) of hormone-insensitive, that is, therapy-resistant breast-cancer cells. (120 – 124)

Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies in men, and it urgently demands precise interventions that target the signaling pathways implicated in its initiation, progression, and metastasis.  Curcumin has been shown to have powerful anticancer effects on prostate cancer cells.  It inhibits cancer cell survival, proliferation, and metastases in a dose-dependent manner, meaning the higher the dose, the stronger the anti-cancer effect.  (125)

Curcumin (turmeric extract) suppresses colon cancer invasion by inhibiting cell signals for cancer spread. (126)

One recent review study gathered all the various ways that curcumin exerts its anti-cancer effects on lung cancer.  In the last few years, microRNAs have been found to play a significant role in growth of the cancer and its ability to evade the immune system. (127)  Not only does curcumin modulate these microRNAs, for the inhibition of cancer, curcumin works via various mechanism to inhibit cancer.

As this review study discovered, “The anti-cancer properties of curcumin against lung cancer are mediated by modulation of several molecular targets that regulate the expression of DNA transcription factors, inflammatory cytokines, enzymes, growth factors, receptors, adhesion molecules, anti-apoptotic proteins, and cell cycle proteins, leading to cell apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation and migration, and also chemo- and radio-sensitization of lung cancer cells.” (127)

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide because of its aggressive and highly metastatic characteristics. Curcumin has been shown to block pancreatic cancer cell migration and metastasis.  The cellular and biochemical methods are being discovered, and the description of the mechanisms is extremely scientific.  So I have not gone into detail about it, but instead provide the medical citations for those so inclined to read the pathways that curcumin inhibits pancreatic, or any other type of cancer. (128)

Curcumin inhibits the proliferation of many types of solid cancers, such as stomach cancer, by enhancing the ability for cancer apoptosis.  Curcumin removes the inhibition on the gene that codes for self-destruction.  Curcumin inhibits growth of gastric cancer cells by inhibiting the expression of the cancer genes and triggers apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner, meaning the higher the dose, the greater the effect. (129, 130)

Since there is no known toxic dose to turmeric extract, I believe every person should be taking this micronutrient, which is in the “liver support” supplement with other anti-cancer micronutrients for general cancer prevention.  And in the unfortunate case where cancer is diagnosed, then high doses should be taken according to my protocols below.

As mentioned above, inflammation is a key component of cancer development and progression. Turmeric extract (curcumin), grape seed extract, and olive extract are particularly good at suppressing inflammation and inducing apoptosis.  All work better together than any of them separately, and even more so if taken with many other micronutrients, making the combination of supplements more powerful than any one, two, or three ingredients.

Olive Extract

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world, and has been found to provide a significant decrease in heart disease and cancer compared to other diets.  Olive oil is the primary source of fat in the Mediterranean diet, and it has been discovered that the olive polyphenol antioxidants within olives and olive oil are responsible for lowering the risk of many types of cancer, including colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, and leukemia cells. (131 – 134)

Olive extract has been shown to significantly inhibit the growth of bladder cancer cells, and like the other antioxidants, induce apoptosis.  In addition, olive extract works synergistically with the cancer drug, paclitaxel; killing bladder cancer cells more effectively together than with the drug alone. (135)

Beta Glucans (Derived from Mushrooms and Baker’s Yeast)

Beta glucans are fiber polysaccharides derived from the cell membranes of the Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms, as well as from baker’s yeast extract (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which have been found to have powerful immunomodulating properties.  They do not breakdown in the stomach, and therefore do not have any impact on blood glucose levels or calories.  The pass into the intestine where they start their activities.

Beta glucan polysaccharides demonstrate anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer properties, in addition to their anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal effects. (136)  The first mechanisms of action begins in the gut, where the beta glucans act as prebiotics in the digestive bacteria.  In addition beta glucans exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and additional immuno-modulating activities.

Beta glucans distinct molecular structure allows them to bind to receptors on cell membranes of white blood cells, including macrophages, natural killer cells, and T lymphocytes, to cause cell death of many types of cancer, among them, lung and breast cancer cells. (137, 138)

Macrophages are white blood cells that “eat up” and “digest” bacteria or cancer cells, and natural killer cells are white blood cells that kill abnormal cells, i.e., cancer cells, by triggering the release of cytokines to dissolve the cell membranes of cancer cells and/or induce apoptosis of cancer cells.  By activating white blood cells (monocytes), which are usually suppressed in breast cancer patients, beta glucans are able to assist in cancer therapies in cases of advanced breast cancer. (139, 140)

Beta glucans work synergistically with other supplements, to work better together to kill breast cancer cells than any of the supplements individually. Some of the micronutrients shown to work synergistically with beta-glucan, are resveratrol, and vitamin C; but there is no reason all others would not work synergistically. (141)

In addition, beta-glucans trigger the adaptive immune system by activating cytotoxic T lymphocytes that bind to complement factors and antibodies that attach to and ‘target’ cancer cells.  Beta glucans heighten, or sharpen the immune response when needed, without causing an ‘over-reaction.’

Beta glucans are helpful during chemo and radiation therapy, as they can better potentiate the cancer-killing effect when used in conjunction with cancer treatment. (142)   Also, they help prevent immunosuppression, that is prevent, or at least minimize the drop of the white blood cell (WBC) count in those undergoing chemotherapy. (143)  This means less chance for infections following chemotherapy.   Beta glucans taken during chemotherapy decrease the side effects of cancer treatment. (144)

The most devastating development of cancer is its ability to invade surrounding tissues and metastasize beyond the point of origin. Ultimately, it is the invasion of cancer that kills. Fortunately, nutritional supplements work to block invasion and metastases of cancer.

Selenium works synergistically with beta glucans to help destroy foreign invaders and cancer cells. (145)

In an animal study, beta glucan supplementation has a strong effect in reducing melanoma tumors, and improving the survival rate. (146)

Beta glucans were also shown to strengthen the cancer-killing effect of chemo therapy, while at the same time protect normal cells, e.g., blood cells, from the toxic effects of the chemotherapy drug. (146)  Again maintaining normal white and red blood cell counts, as well as platelet count, following chemotherapy is much to be desired.


Cancer is the second-leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease among both men and women.  Statistically there is a 38.5% chance that each one of us will develop some type of cancer some time in our lifetimes.  We can increase that risk with a poor diet, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, chronic stress, inadequate sleep, inactivity, and other poor lifestyle choices. The good news is that we can decrease the risk of developing almost any type of cancer to which we might be genetically susceptible by altering those same lifestyle choices.

Through healthy lifestyle choices, including consistently taking quality, broad spectrum, pure, potent, and bio-available vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), we can significantly reduce the risk of most, if not all cancers.  Supplements support the immune system, which is essential for preventing and removing cancerous cells that arise daily within our bodies. Optimal nutritional supplements also help fight cancer once present by inducing apoptosis (cellular self-destruction) and preventing the growth of new blood vessels that bring oxygen and nourishment to the cancer cells.

In addition, nutritional supplements not only can be safely used during chemo or radiation therapy, they should be used to optimize a person’s odds of remission and/or cure.  Supplements do not get in the way of cancer therapy, and they do not cause any cancer to grow more aggressively; the exact opposite is true.

Quality supplements should be a part of everyone’s daily routine, not only for cancer prevention and adjunctive treatment, but also for optimal health in every conceivable way.

Supplement Protocols for Most Cancers

I have created what I consider to be the minimal protocol for cancer, along with moderate and high-dose protocols. Obviously, I believe that the high-dose protocol is more effective at all stages of cancer than the lower-dose protocols, and is also best used in combination with chemo or radiation therapy (as I describe in the article).

I only have a minimal protocol written because, for whatever reason, a person dealing with cancer may be unable or unwilling to take the high-dose protocol.  Even if your cancer might be early, why would you not want to knock it out as best you can with a non-toxic protocol?  The high-dose protocol is the best in all cases, not just for the worst case scenario.

For the N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, see the comments below the last protocol table for obtaining that specific product from Douglas Labs.  All other products can be obtained from your preferred provider.

Please read the medical disclaimer below, and consult with your personal physician prior to acting upon any information presented in this article and protocol, or anywhere on the Dr. Ladd VIP website.

Adults- Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Adults- Maintenance Dose During Remission

Teenagers (14 – 17 Years) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Teenagers (14 – 17 Years) – Maintenance Dose During Remission 

Tweens/Teenagers (11 – 13 Years) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Tweens/Teenagers (11 – 13 Years) – Maintenance During Remission

Child (6 – 10 Years) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Child (6 – 10 Years) – Maintenance Dose During Remission

Child (3 – 5 Years) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Child (3 – 5 Years) – Maintenance Dose During Remission

Toddler (1 – 2 Years) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

Toddler (1 – 2 Years) – Maintenance Dose During Remission

Infant (6 months – 12 months) – Active Cancer Present (Before, During, & after Chemo)

*Joint Support Supplement provides the curcumin and glucosamine, both of which have been shown in studies to inhibit leukemia cells.
*Beta Glucans derived from shiitake and Reishi mushrooms, as well as baker’s yeast extract.
*N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) stand-alone supplement; which can be obtained from Douglas Labs, at dose of 500 mg and 750 mg per capsule.  Douglas Labs has a product called, GSH 250, which is good for substituting for 250 mg of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine.  To purchase these specific products (NAC or GSH 250), first create a customer account with Douglas Labs by  CLICKING HERE.  (If this link does not work for you, simply type “” into a new browser tab.) And, please use Referral Code 2074214. After you have a customer account, you then search on their website for the products by name, “N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine” or “GSH 250.”

*Liver Support supplement that benefits the skin as well; providing at least:
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC)
Turmeric Extract (Curcumin)
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Green Tea Extract
Olive Extract
Broccoli Extract
Milk Thistle Extract

*Vision Support Supplement provides the carotenoids, zeaxanthin and lutein, among other ingredients.
*Beta Glucans derived from shiitake and reishi mushrooms, as well as baker’s yeast extract.

Ingredients that I like to see provided collectively by vitamin-antioxidant & chelated mineral tablets

Vitamin A, mostly as Beta Carotene
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin K (K1 & K2)
B-Complex Vitamins
Curcumin (turmeric extract)
Green Tea Extract
Olive Extract
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC)
Iodine (as potassium iodide)
Including Ultra Trace Minerals

Medical Disclaimer

Information on this website, written, spoken, or in any other communication by Dr. Ladd McNamara or any other information or reference is for informational purposes only. The information provided on this website is a result of years of practice, experience, and study by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by someone’s personal licensed physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this website, or any other form of communication from Dr. Ladd McNamara or the Dr. Ladd VIP Program, for diagnosing or treatment of a health issue or disease, or for the prescribing of medication or the use of supplementation without a discussion with your licensed health professional first.  At best, the information provided on this website is only meant to supplement information provided by your own doctor or health professional, not to replace medical advice.  The information from this website is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or possible adverse effects of nutritional supplements with or without medications, or in conjunction with specific medical conditions.  The information from this website may not fit your specific health circumstances.  Never delay seeking medical care or disregard advice from your health care professional because of information you have received directly or indirectly from this website, from the Dr. Ladd VIP Program, or from Dr. Ladd McNamara himself.   Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before making any changes to your medication or embarking on a nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement program, or before using any treatment for a health concern.  If you have, or suspect that you have, a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.  Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read or heard on this website, or due to any other information from Dr. Ladd McNamara or his representatives. Information provided on this website or the V.I.P. Program, and the use of any products or services mentioned on this website (or as a result of information provided this program, article, or website) by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Ladd McNamara, M.D.  Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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